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~With love, Shafieqah~

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

♥Wednesday, April 29, 2009♥

tday:start of d school had temperature taking bcos of the swine flu even Mr Loy had to take it so we skipped english yay!! after that maths was a bit boring...den recess nuting much happened except for the fact tat idayu could easily forget her folscape paper but we secretly hold it to see wen she remembers den dis is a depiction of the event:

we were walking under d bridge which is at least 2 stone's throw away from d canteen when finally idayu realises that she forgot her folscap...

Idayu: Oh shit! i forgot my folscap!! *panicking*
Me and Ama: Oh shit yeah oh shit *while showing her her pencil box and folscap*
Idayu: OMG!! hehe paisey paisey!!
Me: Oh shit i forgot my wallet!!!

den i was like already running towards the canteen already..its like how could i remember my frens things but not mine shissh...den after that MT was ok after MT lesson wen we are at the 3rd storey den Ama asked me to hold her books den wen i hold it i ask her "ehk where's your file" den Ama shout " SHIT MY FILE!!!" den we had to run all the way to d 1st floor again to get her file.Luckily there was no one in there so we just slipped in after that we relaxed a bit walking a bit slowly cos i was looking at hym hu was having home econs.. i was like so mesmerized den Ama said " ehk Salehan there lh!!" den i was like "where??" den she said "nvm" while laughing out loud den wen i walked straight i realized i was walking rite in front of me and i was like trying to keep quite so he wouldn't hear me den my fren go and make noise den he turn around!! Oh gosh!! (depiction of d event again)

Encik Salehan: eh wats ur name ah?
Me: Nevermind
Encik Salehan: wait shafiqah rite?
Me: Yalah

den Encik Salehan slapped me at the back..it was like so painful sia!! den Encik Salehan keep on sayin "eh bdk cina bdk cina!!" den i so frustrated i shouted at him " DIAM ARH!!!" den i quickly run up d staircase..otw up Ama said to me " ehk u noe jus now he hit u rite d sound effect loud sia" den i was like if u say thats loud and definitely painful d time he punched me was harder than that.. because of that i always try to run away frm him!!!


plus after school, my fren Pei Ru go and hit my back so hard rite at the exact place Encik Salehan hit me so now its double the pain sey!!


my heart stops when you look at me♥
@ 8:13 PM

♥Tuesday, April 28, 2009♥

JUST EDITED PICS!! a swirly image of a scenery i took at JB!!
me in NCDCC uniform jus added a small star on my cheeks trademark!!

tday is d day wen i thought things would be jus as good...start of school we had maths which was quite ok cos we knew our "common test" result which i failed and had to attend remedial, im not really surprise tat i failed though i really wan to pass...next we had english two period of it urghh we had to do essay which i hate so much to do so there were like 5 questions...1st had sumting to do wit babysitting,2nd had to do with anger,3rd had to do with sumting that im not sure of,4th d same and 5th is about a nasty experience during holidays..after 5 mins of thinking i chosed the 5th question but everything i write about is totally fake...gd thing bout english that day was that we get to choose 4 different flavours of Jelly Belly jellybeans compliments of Mrs Raj (she's chinese not indian OK!) i choosed A&W Rootbeer, CottonCandy,Toasted Marshmallow and Buttered Popcorn...i loved the buttered popcorn it just melts totally wen i had the first bite it kinda reminds me of the part when Violet from The Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, ate the chewing gum...ohh how heavenly it is!! after that recess did nothing much except that it started raining and me and Ama was like playing in the rain..Idayu was like chill in the shade...after recess was Malay which was like totally awesome cos Cikgu Suhaimi didn't come,guess hu is our relief teacher...YES ITS D HOT GUITAR TEACHER!!!! we were like making a lot of noise damn that day was awesome during the 1st period of MT all the girls including me played truth or dare den i chose dare and i was dared to do a flying kiss to Azrul and i was like WHAT!! if Sobirin i dun mind he's at least cuter than Azrul...but i did anyways and I was shocked when Azrul took the flying kiss and put it to his cheeks and i was like laughing like mad!!! Den on d 2nd period of MT we finally settled down and had a game of hangman when d guitar teacher was like telling us gross facts of certain events which all the girls find it damn disgusting!!! Ohh that was d most memorable thing EVER!! after MT was assembly Sec 1's and Sec2's and there he was again as usual waiting for all the classes at the end of the bridge giving us our way in to the hall...assembly was however so boring we went throught the examination reminder thingy its..i still can remember the time Mr Imran said it to us a few months back when we had our Common test...

after the assembly me,idayu and some others who had to stayback for maths remedial made our way back to class...after reaching class,looked at class Ms Ng was not in so i thought i wanted to ask idayu if she wanted to linger round the corridor for a while...i haven't completed my sentence and idayu already pulled my hand and dashed to the staff room 2 to find Mr Loy she wanted to get a whiteboard marker from him so i jus waited for her outside..after she got wat she wanted we made way back to class...while walking back to the staircase i caught a glimpse of a lot of upper sec boys walking on the way down and one of them was like shouting to me "ehk bdk cina,bdk cina,cina,cina" i thought it was some upper sec mly boys that i dunnoe so i just ignored then wen i wanted to pull idayu's hand to hurry up i caught a glimpse of who it was and i saw it was ENCIK SALEHAN like wat the hell!! he always like to make fun of me i hate him sey!! he always say i look like chinese even Encik Aidil says so but at least he stopped already but THIS is too much!! he even say it in front of his fren luckily i didn't turn if i turn gosh its gonna be so damn embarassing after that i ran all the way up leaving Idayu behind straight to the class had maths remedial...after maths remedial i wanted to wait for Nasya but den Nasya had alot of mistakes so i said to her that i would jus wait for her at the canteen so i followed Claudia down... on the way down, i saw Encik Aidil den he was talking to his gf so i didn't kacau him so i jus walked then i realised that no one i knew was there at the canteen so i got bored and lonely i decided to make my way up to the 3rd floor AGAIN..on the way up Mrs Chew caught up with me so did Encik Aidil. Den Encik Aidil called me den Mrs Chew was like "You're Shafiqah rite not Shaika?" den i was like "Yeah im shafiqah not shaika" den Encik Aidil walked beside me and talked to me it was very brief cos i dunno why i walked so fast to the spiral staircase but i noe he said sumting like "tk maen hujan?" den i was like "nanti arh." den he kept on saying gdbye den i say gd bye den wen i reached d spiral staircase he say gdbye again den i oso say gdbye again larhs!! Btw it was so obvious that Encik Aidil was playing in the rain his hair was so wet if he shook his head it would become a garden water sprinkler already hahas lol...so i guess it stops here..


my heart stops when you look at me♥
@ 11:22 PM

♥Monday, April 27, 2009♥

ok my fingers so d EXTRA!! HAHAX
oh im falling in love with clouds!!

oh-i love it!!!

nice rite(:

nothing amazing happen except that HE send me msg via litespeeed and he's sweet with all his nonsensical questions but yesterday i took sum pics of the clouds thats so freaking nice!! here they are11


my heart stops when you look at me♥
@ 6:06 PM

♥Thursday, April 23, 2009♥

i still cannot forget the painful yet so fun experinece it was like wat 2 weeks ago i tink but i definitely know that it was a friday... We had an IFD assembly at class had to miss GUITAR LESSON because of d stupid IFD.....Den after that we had to go for assembly at the hall cause there was a Exco investiture so i get to see everyone i noe there...The hall was damn cramp cos there were like Sec1,Sec2,Sec3,Sec4 and the Sec5...imagine that in a hall that fits 4-5 badminton courts!!!! So the investiture began...BORING!!! but the ending was cool cos they got like different pics collected and made into a video...den after that as we were dismissed to go back home i made my way to the staircase as there was a human jam we moved only every 10 seconds meanwhile out of the blue Aidil came running towards d hall den go hit my hand with a thin paper that made a long red mark on my arm and the sound impact was like loud sey...i kept on rubbing my arm cos it hurts...As i went to the canteen, i put my bag down and waited for Seri near the staircase den all of a sudden i saw Encik Salehan SHOOT!! Den he went towards me and punched my shoulders as a reminder to go for NCDCC maybe to him its like so light but for goodness sake im a GURL!! its painful sey den wen i went back home, my shoulder was like aching sey!!! Thx for all the pain you guys have given me it kinds toughen me up so if i got hit again it won't be that painful!! AS IF!!!



my heart stops when you look at me♥
@ 5:06 PM

♥Tuesday, April 21, 2009♥

nothing much happened today not many interesting stuff to say jus tat i sent a farewell msg to encik aidil and that tday we played dare during recess.i had to hug ama during the dare it was fun!! den during recess i saw hym and my heart pounded!!
during d time when d whole class had to attend assembly at d hall he was there waiting for us to be seated and he was standing exactly beside me...i couldn't breath much less talk i remained silent as we walk past and ama was asking me if i was alright and i just say that im ok jus a bit breathless n she doesn't mind cos she knew hu i was referring to and jus kept quite!!



my heart stops when you look at me♥
@ 6:15 PM

♥Sunday, April 19, 2009♥

(from left to right)Encik Salehan,Sir Shazwan and Encik Asyraf
Encik Aidil with Sir Shazwan

Encik Aidil giving speech during POP...he was trying to control his tears

Encik Aidil looks like crying..

Encik Aidil handing to NCO Zulhairi

OMG!!He's crying!! PLZ dun cry Encik Aidil!!

i just dreaded NCDCC t'day...maybe because tday would be the last day that Sir Shazwan would be with us but definitely the last day for Encik Aidil to be with us...i wish this day never comes

POP 09' leaves a dreadful memory to me...having to see tears shed on dis day is just too unbearable....WAIT!! why am i being so poetic okok so during ncdcc we did nothing but hang around cos some of the other had to do theory retest and i was definitely not one of them i myself can't believe i got 12/15 for my theory i thought i would seriously fail!! Den during tat tyme me,Seri and Nasya was like begging Sir Shazwan to stay cause we dun wan d new Sir cause his face like damn fierce sia!! Luckily Sir Shazwan didn't leave straight after we knew the news we started screaming and jumping around LOL!! but i really hate the POP!!


my heart stops when you look at me♥
@ 11:09 PM

♥Sunday, April 12, 2009♥

ok dis post was to be about event tat happened like 3 days ago but didn't had d tyme so here it is... tday finish class 2.30pm. me and nasya was like running down 3 stories grab my boots and uniform from my dad and quickly went to the toilet and started changing i didn't have time to even have my lunch i thought i was gonna faint.inside toilet a lot of ncdcc girls was like rushing cos some of them came out of class late and then everyone walking about shouting so the toilet was like damn hot sey...most of us were like sweating even before rehearsal starts cos d uniform was so thick and den the sun was like scorching...during training nothing new or odd happened i didn't at least expect anything though...after training was the thing, me and seri quickly went to the school gates den after we cross the road seri says "ehk i wan to go to school bck larhs ask my bro to cum hum" and i was like "what!! fine 10-15 mins tats all" den we went back to school and den she ask her bro n den her bro say she dun wan to go so wateva lah den she wanted to go to d toilet den i said i'll be waiting outside den wen i waited n she was like so late so i made my way to d toilet on the way i saw Encik Salehan.

encik salehan: u noe wat u look like chinese larh
me : wat where got
encik salehan: ur name shafiqah rite
me : yalah can't u see
encik salehan: eh say sumting in malay larh
me(frus) : nk ape larh!!

den after tat i like angry i made my way to d toilet after tat seri and me walk out wanting to go back hum den meet him again den encik salehan keep on calling me shafiqah tan..if i could i would bash his head sey so frustrated...den after tat when we went outside me and seri saw encik aidil..den seri say "ehk lets stalk aidil" den i said "set arh". but den again we walk too fast den encik aidil was like already behind us den on the way under d blocks me carrying two paper bags...den encik aidil ask me where i get d plastic bag frm den i said u buy d ting den u get larh den encik aidil ask where u buy d ting den i check d bag den it said [OIO maternity] den me,seri and encik aidil was like laughing out loud sial until seri tat tyme was drinking water burst d water out of her mouth we all laugh non-stop sey.....


my heart stops when you look at me♥
@ 12:34 AM

♥Wednesday, April 8, 2009♥

tday nothing much happened maybe there is wait something did happen. After recess i made my way to Malay room for MT class. It was so damn fun man...after that we had two periods of Maths which we got surprise test...after Geography time to go HOME...i waited at the canteen den decided to buy drinks when i wanted to take my walllet i realised I MISPLACED MY WALLET SHIT...after 2 hrs i jus realised i lost my wallet. After that i pulled Amalina's hand and dashed to the malay room searching and running frantically but there was a group of Sec 3's in there and me and Ama was so damn scared to go inside so i found Sir Syahir and he didn't helped at all then FINALLY i found SERI she immediately helped me I OWE HER A LOT. after finding my wallet i gave Ama and Seri each $1 so that they can have lunch den i went back home....30 mins later i went for NCDCC training and then we got our new UNIFORMS YAY.. den before trying it all, we were though how to fold our shirts and then how to kiwi my boots..1st we learned how to fold our jackets from NCO/ENCIK Zul he was like "first u fold and den u iron, den u fold again and then u iron, and den u fold again and then u iron again" it was so damn funny and den Sir Syahir came and say that his pen was an iron. Den wen he finished demostrating he asked us " what is dis?"*pointing to the pen* we all said "iron" den he say "wrong its a pen HAHA"
den we all laugh our heads....


my heart stops when you look at me♥
@ 8:44 PM

♥Tuesday, April 7, 2009♥

tday was an absolute worst day in my school life...new prefects were recruited from everyy level and evrywhere i go i see red badge and green ties hurts my eyes sia...seriously every step i take i'm bound to see at least one prefect and d securities jus gets stricter and stricter...and den after school had to stay back for maths remedial...so FUN after completing our own work we had to wait for our papers to be mark so i relax one corner den Ami,Apiz,Chrysline and I went to d back of d class and had a private "training" and sooner than we thought, we turn by turn became commandant i mean how cool is that cos Ami & Apiz is in NCC den I'm in NCDCC den Chrysline is in NPCC. so we were basically trying to figure out d diff between dis 3 diff UG...TOTALLY had FUN cos we were like having the time of our life ignoring other people making ourselves look like complete FOOL HAHAX LOL...


my heart stops when you look at me♥
@ 10:12 PM

♥Monday, April 6, 2009♥

w0w think about all d mischief n problem solving i've gone through...1st i've always been forgetting to do all my homework and in the end i have to finish it all during recess *waste of tyme* im so like DAMN ANGRY at my teacher i already waste my whole recess to do the stupid art project and in the end she didn't check LIKE WAT THE HELL!!! den on friday I had NCDCC training. I CAME LATE!! like it could get any worser...but it kinda did. Reported at the parade square and it was like so seriously HOT!!! my sole was like burning standing under the sun while the NCO's take attendance...den after 3o mins under the sun, feet nearly burn we were told to sit under the shade PHEW!!! finally den we proceed to the classroom i think it was 4 thinking's den we had our theory lesson of campcraft: BITES and STINGS...it was so boring but den it turned to be quite funny...THEORY TEST was hard but fun cos i dunno why we were allowed to talk with our friend bout d answer...TOO BAD Sir Syazwan and Sir Syahir wasn't around cos they would be one hell of a joker...den irritating as always Encik Aidil kept on peeking at my paper trying to find a why so that he can laugh at my paper...after d test we went down to lvl 1 for footdrill yes finally i can move around...den wen traning has been dismissed, me,nasya and seri stayed back to ask Encik Aidil sumting...we waited a long tyme cos the nco's have meetings. I never thought that dis event could be a very watery one...wen Encik Aidil finish meeting nasya ask aidil if there's a chance she could be a prefect cos she's damn obsessed bout being a prefect den wen Aidil say tat he didn't noe, nasya eye's bcum so watery den all of a sudden she cry until she can fill a 1.5l bottle.Funny thing was tat Aidil also nearly wanna cry and i was like comforting nasya as well as laughing at Aidil.HAHAX den Aidil kept on saying dun cry,dun cry later i cry...den in d end Aidil nearly cracked his skull to find a way to persuade Mr Vik. and as we walk bck to d canteen i kept on saying AIYOH to Aidil hahax serve hym rite..
den we parted our ways but me n seri tried to stalk Aidil but less then 20 min he was gone from sight so i jus wen bck hum..


my heart stops when you look at me♥
@ 4:04 PM

♥Wednesday, April 1, 2009♥

Evrytime im at skool i couldn't go out of the school without smiling once eventhough i dun want to..after finishing of official school had to go to 1 Character class to try out my ncdcc uniform...during trying out all i saw was Sir Clement Lee or was it Lim and NCO Qushairi was also there and NCO Sofia and Encik Asyraf(the garang like wat one) and one more cadet or NCO that i dun recognise at all but seen before and cannot forget bcos his face a bit like Aliff Aziz a bit aje. i texted sumone broke badd new after that i was damn angry,sad,furious,frustated,stressed.
all dis at once its been giving me a toll...but no matter wat i still forgive tat person cos i felt tat it was better to do so den hold a grudge...


my heart stops when you look at me♥
@ 4:39 PM