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~With love, Shafieqah~

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

♥Friday, October 23, 2009♥

The following things are what im yearning to tell him:
"nas im in love wit u"
"nas u r d one for me"
"nas u r d sweetest thang tat happened in my life"
"nas i dun care if u dun have d looks i still love u"
"nas i love you cos u r swt"
"nas bcos of d thing u did tat stole my heart i put aside ur looks to be wit u"
"nas i'll be urs for as long as love is in d air"
"nas i nvr regretted to be wit u"
"lastly,i chose dis following msg as i tink its d most sweetest u gave to me"
Frm my guy,to his gurl
thanks sayang..u're d most special gurl for me..
i love you..


my heart stops when you look at me♥
@ 11:49 PM


Tday started skul very d confused..
came skul LATE..bt nt so lh..
went bck to cls aft assembly..
straight away changed to pe to prepare for CaptainBall Match..
so after that reported to parade square..
briefing by Mr Taufiq b4 starting match..nervous
1st match-opponent: 1 dynamic
first..we studied their skills..plan out strategy..
den we had basic stretchings before game starts..
game was tough..the girls were FAST.. bt they were unorganized..
did our very best in d match..
1 Respect won..bt i forgot d points..will update wen i rmbr..
aft that had bout 15 mins break i tink..
straight aft game ended shook hands wit opponent.
before going to canteen for a drink..
den went up to hall see 1 integ play badminton..
den wen d game betw 1 ach vs 1 dyn ended..
1 ach was given 5 mins water break..
so we used tat time to practise our shooting n defending..
since 1 ach girls are gd jumpers..we gotta go low..
there was one time i jumped n catch d ball while practising..
n den wen i wanted to land i nearly twisted my ankle..
bt instead of twisting i fell sideways..cos my feet was unbalanced..
well its ok..tats way better den twisting ur ankle..
so ama helped me up n continued practising..
they realise i couldn't shoot..so i wasn't to be shot..
i had to be a runner..n defend at times..
5 mins ended n match started..
1 ach gurls were so gd..simply bcos they have many volley players
n wat volley ball players do is jump
so their defender were very gd..
none the less our will proved to work..
battling 1 achieve was hard for me..
in order to get the ball i had to do quick n swift movement..
n luckily i had d energy to do so..
in the end 1 respect won 9-4..
how AWSOME is tat..
1 Respect won 2 matches in a row..
making us 1st in captain ball(girls) interclass match..
after the match..like any other match..
shook hands wit opponent..saying gd match n stuffs liddat..
headed straight to hockey..
after 1 go at d recap..i was selected to go for Hockey tryouts CCA..
den near d ending of the Hockey course..gt spotted again by d tcher..
i guess hockey chose me..Ama oso got chosen so..
after skul ended..
straight away went bck..ironed pt kit..
went to NCDCC straight away..
cos we were supposed to report at 1.30pm
we ended skul 12.30pm
my house quite far..
aft at skul..prepared to go NeWater plant..
the trip was awsome esp wen we get to walk on top of glass panels..
underneath were filled wit NeWater water..
We were given VIP treatment..
always get to sit at d front..
which is so cool..cos for d 1st time we felt VIP treatment..
after d trip..rained heavily..had to staybck in skul
den Radhi..Tabin was having their CCA..n they were like non stop
i was like ehk STFU lh! I got nuting to do wit him!
u dun understand ENGLISH isit!
irritating..annoying creatures
-Shaf signing out-
ps.peace no war..wan war jus ask..
i cn giv u war!


my heart stops when you look at me♥
@ 10:52 PM


That's d one fabulous day..that's d day we bcame 1 in our heart syg..
yes..im ATTACHED wit him..
syg i rmbr dis day forever..
he's the sweetest guy i knew thats why..
i met u..bt it was too brief..i wanted to be wit u a bit longer
but i was jus too nervous..
i jus realised..bt i have to say dis syg..
you're DAMN EFFING TALL seriously
i feel so short bside u..
cherish the endless phone talks n sweet talks in d nite..
once again
-shaf signing out-
ps.missing u lh nas D:


my heart stops when you look at me♥
@ 10:38 PM

♥Monday, October 19, 2009♥

Tday woke up after experiencing 2 dreams continuosly..sweet dream followed by worst nightmare...

I dreamt that i was going bck to S'pore n usually i get my hp signal at d checkpoint..so i dreamt that when i gt my hp signal i received 7 msgs..5 msgs were frm my frens n 2 msgs frm him..so i read his msgs first..d first msg he wrote dis.."2 days is very long for me..i miss you so much.." n d 2nd msg was d one which made my heart knocking..he wrote this " i realised i cnt be alone..can we be together..forever?" i would go jelly on my feet if this was real..bt sadly its jus a sweet dream..i dream i wish would happen soon..

Well d 2nd dream was rather unneeded..at all..in my dream all i saw was Ira n Aidil...strangely my skul canteen wasn't my skul canteen..i felt more like in Mac'D..there was escalator in my skul..Den the dream started wen me n my frens settled at d table..i asked my fren wat she wants so i cn buy her food..n Aidil was on d same lane as me..so wen i wanted to get out Aidil purposely blocked me..after that d nxt thing i could remember i was going dwn a staircase wit my fren..carrying a tray full of food..n den aft that d nxt scene was me n my frens were cycling n i saw Aidil n he was showing off his moves on d bike n i heard Ira say "its normal..Aidil's always showing off" den d nxt thing me n my "frens" were cycling thru an army range..wen i realised it was an army range we ran out of d place bt sumhow d tunnels ended up in d hospital which was infested with ZOMBIES..n d thing is tat d zombies aren't slow or dead..they're fast..lightning fast..so i pulled my frens and i was running as fast as my legs could carry me..i rmbr going down a lane full of houses which was quite..nt really infested with zombies den i turned right den i turned left..den i raced past by dis one zombie..gosh i pulled my fren along...we ran n ran all d way bck to skul..all the way bck to skul we were chased by zombies..my fren nearly gave up..till i said "pull urself together..jus get in d damn room..its very close jus drag urself a bit more!!" in d end she managed to get in d room n she helped me try to close d door bt the zombies were so strong..at that moment flashbacks starts to happen..i pictured d smiles on my family's face..smiles on Aidil's face..smiles on my beloved frens faces n d smiles on his face..wondering how they are..wishing to tell them how much i loved them..n den phoof!! i woke up wit my hands covering my face..dis nightmare shows how much i should cherish my loved ones while i still can..

its alrdy 2 days since i last talked to u
i dun even imagined i would be missing u dis bad..


my heart stops when you look at me♥
@ 12:33 AM

♥Saturday, October 17, 2009♥

-Damn those sweet memories-
Its always u i look forward to brightening up my day..

its been a long tyme since i blog.
i noe it looks dead..sorry been bz for d EOYs
ok well dis is jus an intro let me start toking..
well i dun wanna go so far bck cos i cnt really remember
so i'll jus talk frm Tuesday..yeah tuesday sounds gd
evry paragraph is one day so let me begin

Well tuesday had last paper which is bio..yeah..tough paper..very2 tough..i rmbr aft d paper d tchr was like"guys could u wait until u r in d canteen b4 u shout n scream"den we were like "okay"but we were jus outside d cls n we started screaming n shouting alrdy tcher doesn't care anymore..so me,ama,idayu n pei ru headed to d toilet n took lots n lots of pic..den went to canteen..as usual idayu left us 1st den i dun remember wat happened..wait i remeber..me,pei ru n ama stayed bck at skul frm 2-3pm we watched azmi..khai..asri..amirul n dis one guy i dunno hu..prac their soccer..den there was one time wen ama wanted to go to toilet n she left me all alone at d chair den skali d guys all cum surround d place..i was like " fish why do they have to cum here..at dis time" den d guy hu i dunnoe go sit near me like play2..i was like "ama u better get ur ass here asap!!" i seriously died there..its so nt cool being surrounded by 3 sec 2 mischiveous strangers wit only remaining 2 guys hu i noe quite well tat jus sat there looking...after that at 3+ watch them play soccer match..wohoo..they won 18-1..how cool was that!!

Wednesday was marking day so no skul thought will be so cool turns out..i rather go skul..i cn die of boredom at home..while d restegrity go out jln rayer i was fed up by my dad lst min cancellation of JB trip..haish..den aft that abg aidil ajaked go cycling cos he was bored n no one was available but i rejected since i got no bicycle den he asked me go Chong Pang wit him he wan show ard his new neighbourhood..BOO HOO!! he's gonna leave wdlands nxt yr!! ok so asked dad n dad REJECTED..like WTF!! only go out wit fren oso wan reject..after that entirely feeling nt gd..texted to him for d 1st time..gosh he jus brightens up my world..i knew he was d most caring guy i noe..there was a time he was asking wat i was doing..n i said i was crying cos my sis go play wit my brand new headphones..bt i didn't tell him d reason..den in a flash he texted me "why? what happen" n nt even before i was able to reply his msg he called me..n tat was d 1st time i talked to him..i love his voice..its so concerned n his voice was so like abg aidil..d way he talks is also d same..d only thing tat makes him diff is his unique sound of bass in his voice..n he doesn't like it whenever i had to go..and we had d most sweetest memories wen he called me in midnight secretly..we had on n offs conversation..and in total we spent roughly bout 1+ hours talking to each other n ended with him singing on d phone..aww..boy were u so sweet..gosh which gurl dun like it wen a guy sing for her..n whenever i sounded like sleeping he would say "u go slp first lh..i dun mind.." den after d official ending of d call..we praised each others voice..even though clearly i dun have d voice but he insists tat my voice is very nice..how sweet of u..d last msg he sent was d 1 hu made my stomach full of butterflies n made my heart knocking..dis was his lst msg.. "Gdnite sweetdream n ily tmw morning msg me"..well u cn see..hu wouldn't melt..

Thursday 1st thing in d morning received a warming gd morning msg frm him didn't even had time to text him he already texted me first..aww..i noe he so d sweet..den after that he asked me what time i finish skul..n i didn't managed to reply until i was ready..he was like "later in skul cn msg me?" den of course i had to say no..den he say "alah..why?" den i explained lh..n he sound so sad..aww im also sad okay..den aft that in skul got maths,geog n hist MCQ results..maths was okok..B3..how pathetic is tat..geog i dun remember..hist i oso forgot..wasn't in d mood to remember results..after skul it started to rain like hell..like seriously impossible to get out of d skul wit d storm n lightning.. d level of heaviness is like d moment u stepped out of d building u will be drenched head to toe..tats how bad it was..so stayed bck wit ama n pei ru..he texted me n called me..he was like "u wan me to pick u up" n i was like "yeah rite" den he said "im serious" den i dun blieve luhh..tell me hu wan cum all d way frm d south to north..so i said " no need lh" den he say "ohkay.." ahh gosh he was so sweet..den after that wen me n ama was heading towards out of skul..ama stopped by at d bookshop..cos she wan say bye to her darlingg..den wen i turned ard i saw khai waving at our direction..i wasn't sure hu khai was waving at so i didn't wave bck but ama did..excuse me wasn't being rude..jus dun wan be paisey-ed..den at d bus stop HE called me..while i was talking to him..pei ru n ama non-stop shout like hell..cos as normal dey cn never kp their mouth shut when their gf's are toking to their darhlingg..den went bck hum..texted him d whole time..evryday..text msgs ended wit a "bye..tc..ily n gudnite"..i love it very much..

Friday went to skul in home clothes..its BE YOURSELF DAY PEOPLE!! n as usual..received gd morning msg frm HIM..d moment i reached hum..i tried my very best to remain invisible to d eyes of abg Aidil..he early2 already say wan see wat im wearing on friday..den skali he walk past by me n i was like "FISH!!" n he was laughing alrdy..knew it tat abg..laugh n laugh at me only..yalah2 im a thing u cn make fun of rite..yeap2..den after tat went up to hall..had a be urself day concert..by far d only thing that attracted me was d fashion show by sec 3,2 n 1..n wen OM Tan sang national day song..that was d main attraction.. after that was we spent lets see 9.45-11.45...2hrs on d charity bazaar end up bought a sandwich...i didn't wanna buy it but i was forced by Tabin..Radhi & Yusoff..those bastards..dey circled around me at the watercooler place..wit no way to get out off them..Tabin was like "If u like khai..u better buy dis sandwich" den i tried to get out of them bt it was possible den Tabin say "okok if u dun like khai u buy dis sandwich" n i was like confused how to say i dun like khai n still get out of d circle w/o buying anything..den Tabin say "okok!..if u dun like khai u buy dis sandwich..if u like khai u buy dis sandwich.." n i was like FISH!! Pei Ru summore cn still jus see..WALAO THAT GURL!! Den after that bought it n ran away pulling Pei Ru along..after that hanged out at d D&T room which is also near d boys toilet..so i didn't realised it bt i guess Aidil saw my clique n he go n tapped me..wait its more like a smack my shoulder n went into d toilet..den after that Siti wifey tersayang n Ira said "Shaf! Nt fair! Aidil tapped u n totally ignored us!!" i jus kept silent..whats there to say dh kater abg/adk angkat den my frens are like strangers to him..after that siap2 go bck hum..siap2 go ncdcc..was supposed to have Footdrill Bronze bt cancelled..Encik Salehan took over a group of 5 of us in our marching..actually..TRUTHFULLY..i noe alrdy bt i jus say i dunno..den there was a time wen he said "ok one by one go do marching n berhenti.." n UNFORTUNATELY..i was first to go..so i tried my best n i managed to nail it den Encik Salehan said "GOOD!! VERY GOOD!!" den he clapped his hands..i felt good..knowing i was able to do it confidently..n after a few mins wit Encik Salehan..we were transferred to Encik Zul..he knew we could do gd so he kept on saying "Ok ah! We show off d other grp.." tat meant..high expectations..n d formula for disaster is..High Expectations + No Self Confidence= Disaster..after that had to rush back hum..cos mum dun wan b stucked in traffic jam wen wan go jb..otw bck hum i walked damn slowly while texting wit HIM..den wen i said i had to go jb his reaction was "Ahh?! Why?" den i explained to him..den i said i'll be cuming bck hum by monday..den he say "Ahh..so long..bored ah liddat.." aww i noe im gonna be bored too..saying bye to u was d hardest i noe..bt too bad lh gotta go..nvm monday kiter bual puas2 kay syg?...k la..nuting more to say..bye!!

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my heart stops when you look at me♥
@ 8:47 PM