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~With love, Shafieqah~

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

♥Sunday, November 22, 2009♥


Many things have passed by in a day..
Decisions to make and decisions to accept..
I have to accept the fact tat a day is all it takes to make a decision..
Love has chosen to go our separate ways..
I will miss him.. N rmbr evryting bout him..
I will cherish all the sweet and sour memories that made our day the bestest..
Its been only a month together bt love, we've always been together..
I will cherish those times that we fought and make up as u always say..
"Love, eventhough we always fight, i always loved u in my heart."
I will always rmbr those sweet talks we had in d middle of the nite..
I will always rmbr wenever you called me love, dear, darling and syg..
I will always rmbr the times wen u took ur time jus to be wit me..
Sumtimes jus fr a while n sumtimes a long tyme..
I will always rmbr the time wen u expressed ur love to me
Wit those soft, comforting, cute voice of urs..
Lastly, I will nvr forget that lovely you..
Eventhough we have went our own separate ways
I'll still love you no matter what..
I realised even without ur love, i noe i cn make it..
I noe u cn too..
I cn make it thru dis bcs i've gt the support n love i need..
Frm all of my beloved frens..
Frm my sister, amalina. Frm my bro, aidil. Frm my counsellor, izzat..
Thanks alot u guys! U've helped me indirectly n directly in my problems..
Especially bro aidil..u've been a great help..
You've taught me wat to be n wat to do in my life..
You're just wat i've always needed to show me to the rite path..
Thanks fr advising me, fr bcuming the most irritating,annoying,helpful bro..

~Life is a temporary phenomenon, what really lasts is love..


my heart stops when you look at me♥
@ 1:03 AM

♥Saturday, November 21, 2009♥


Nana, Me and Yaya
Sec 1's~ 2009.

Hehes..its d big day..it was our 1st mthsary..
We planned jus right den he missed d bus so cnt get to meet him tday..
Haish! So unfair.. So came to skul at bout 7.30 liddat..
Hockey training didn't start until 8.05..
Hockey training was awsome..basic training n stretches..
Slacked like hell..hehes..
Then practice dribbling,short passes,speed reaction n speed leg movements..
Aft that had a match! Awsome seyy..
After match ended cs time was up i rmbr d rest of d girls was like..
"Coach cn let us play for a while?"
Dey beg summore den wen coach say ok..
I dunno wat telah d happened they straight put their hockey stick back..
Which is like weird..i thought we were playing summore..bt nvm heck care..
After that had to wait fr Pei Ru she ask me go bck wit her..
So i wait n unfortunately track n field guys were there too..
Track n field cnsists of [ radhi , tabin , amirul n faizal ]
Irritating human beings on this planet!
I had to walk past by them which i so dun wan to..
Den wen i past by them i heard one of them say " Maner khai ? Maner khai ? "
Den i was like EFF seyy! I tink shud be Faizal cs d voice i nvr heard before..
Den straight headed to cnteen w/o even looking bck..
After a while i felt bored sitting alone there in d bench listening to songs staring into blank space..
So decided to join Jalilah, Siti, Amy n Sarah..
I was merely sitting there jus listening dem gossip..
I was sorta plugged in to their gossip..
Since they're d one hu invited me to their grp..
So frm there i found out that Izz has a sec 1 sister frm our skul.
N her name is Izyanti..N blieve me they dun look alike..
Hehes..no offence Izz..
Ohk Yah! Forgot tat d toilets have been repainted..
Yuckish clr..girls toilet--> PINK!
Boys toilet --> Blue!
I dun blieve it why cnt they remain white?
Its much nicer liddat! Hmph stupid skul!
Went bck hum ard 12.00
Was waiting fr bus wen pei ru rang n said she's otw so missed bus..
While waiting texted abg aidil..
Den i was searching fr him lh cs he shud be dwn by nw alrdy..
Den wen i turn ard there he was standing rite in frnt of me staring at me..
Sheesh i was shocked sey!
Den tok2 a while..den he say he gotta go take bus gg to mosque fr friday prayers..
So said bb to him..
Den Pei Ru came shortly after n so we headed to 912 bus opp Woodlands Pri
Reach hum..took a shower..
Prepare go Woodlands Ring Prim to help out in their make up..
Gosh it was awsome met Jannah, Nabirah, Aisyah, Fatin and Azmirah..
All so grown up, all so diff, all so wilder..
Then all to soon i had to go..
So they sent me all d way up to my house since my house near skul..
My mum said.." Whoa! They've changed!"
Well i have nuting more to say..
I think we made a bad impression wen we first came in..
We literally barged in the com lab..
We didn't noe d tchers were telling them instructions..
Well seniors will be seniors..Older they are Wilder they are..
Den me, Nana and Yaya realised there's nt much fr us to do..
So we went fr a tour to see d changes in our old skul..
And we decided to go to d toilet..
And well we lived bck old memories...
And i made fun of how low d toilet tissue dispenser is placed at..
Like seriously damn low seyy..the hand dryer summore..
I have to kneel down to dry my hands ahk..
Den i decided lets be kids fr a while..
So i did wat the 3 of us always did in pri sch..
In frt of our toilet there's a small space that we cn hide frm anyone..
So wat i did wen i was in pri sch was hid there n scared my frens tat came out frm there..
Well jus nw Yaya came out last n she didn't expect me to scare her..
So i hid n waited fr her to cum out..
Den wen she came out i shocked her!
She screamed so loud sey!
Den she was like " Shafiqah! Mcm bdk kecik seyy!"
Den i was like " We're in pri sch so lets relive our pri sch memories!" n so we did..
Jeez nice memories seyy..
Met many tchers as well..
Aft came bck frm pri sch.. Rushed bck hum..
Gosh the nxt thing is all i noe is tat..
Love broke my heart badly.. I dun wanna talk bout it..
I jus felt hurt by his words..by his "Cowardness" as said by abg aidil..
I jus wan u to noe love..
I hope u cn bcum d strong, determined, loving guy n prove to abg aidil tat u r no coward..
To prove to me tat u truly2 love me..

~Life is a temporary phenomenon, what really lasts is love.


my heart stops when you look at me♥
@ 1:51 AM

♥Tuesday, November 17, 2009♥

i didn't know wat to do

i miss you

you say you had to let go of me

not a want bt a need to do so

that's wat you said

i cnt say anything.i cnt think anymore

i noe sumday i have to let u go

but i didn't realise it would be now, love

i dun wanna leave you

so do you

bt if its a must for me to let you go

love, i will let you go

no more goodbye or goodnite

no more i love you

i noe that's d risk of leaving you

i cnt face d fact tat i have to force myself to let you go

i wanna be wit you

i dun wanna let you go forever

i shed tears jus thinking bout dis

memories wun be forgotten

nt until d day i die

i guess i have to be strong

jus let you go

like a favourite kite tat has flown far away frm me

never ever cuming back again

i'll be always rite here

if the wind is kind enuf to blow d kite bck

you are d best i ever had

n will always be..


my heart stops when you look at me♥
@ 7:06 PM

♥Thursday, November 12, 2009♥

~12 Nov 2009.

Tday woke up n found out that i had 4 missed calls..all frm hym..
Straight away called back n texted hym n abg aidil for a while..
Tat was before i had breakfast n was scolded by abg aidil cs he thought i skipped meals..
After that had nuting to do so went on9..webcammed wit cuz for a while..
Chatted wit ama n 2 of my cuz..found out i had to change bloskin by ama hu saw my blogskin..
After that went to youtube..while searching for blogskins..
Culdn't do crunches or laugh out loud for a while as my stomach muscles ache like hell..
Blame hockey training warm up..Tired of d warm up tat takes bout 30 mins or so..
Had lunch..basically the whole day was me looking for a blogskin..
I culdn't find any that i like..so out of last resort asked ama n my cuz for blogskins..
N finally found dis skin..thks to cuz n ama for their effort..
Nuting really much happened except the fact that i had to wait for my sis at skul..
Den on the way back home was disturbed by a bunch of MATS hu dun have anything to do..
Ignored and walk straight back hum without even glancing back..
Before that at precisely 2.35 pm..saw abg aidil riding bicycle passin by in front of blk..
Waved n he continued journey to gym..

11 Nov 2009

Woke up 7.30..laid back for a while before finally deciding to wake up at 8.30am
9+ headed to school for hockey training..
Mum told me to call her wen i reached skul..
Bt i forgot cs was too bz catching up wit d skul gossip..Hahas..
Hockey training..super funn..except for the warm up..
Too much warm up..and sum of them funny too..
The last warm up was utterly freaky..
Which is also the warm up that caused my stomach muscles to ache like hell..
Coach told us that sooner or later we will have to buy our own hockey stick..cool..
After training stayed back in skul until 1.45 to meet abg aidil for a while to say gd luck..
Den headed to CWP bus station to meet hym..
So sat on a bench near my bus stop while waiting for hym to cum in 5 mins..
In exactly 5 mins he came sitting exactly bside me wit his striking orange shirt tat hurt my eye..
Gd thing he sat dwn or else i will have to look up which will result in neck pain..
So we talked n talked n we kinda holded hand..n i hit him cs he did sumting tat i told hym nt too..
In d end i missed bout 4 buses while he missed only 1..nt fair rite..yeah
Glad he loved the necklace i gave hym..one for me one for hym..
Den wen i was in d bus he waved at me..i cnt believe he cn still see me wen he's like so far away frm me..
Not to mention abg aidil was super kepo n kept asking me how was my date..
I realised his definiton of kepo a bit is like kepo alot to me..Hahas..
Well i gotta go..Toodles!

Countdown: 8 more days syg!


my heart stops when you look at me♥
@ 4:44 PM

♥Saturday, November 7, 2009♥

HIEs! Prob rite now if u see d title..u'll b guessing I LOVE YOU..bt nahh!! tats nt it!
its act I MISS YOU..to be accurate its more of a I MISS HYM..yeah..he's d one im missing like hell..wonders if he's thinking of me..sure n he didn't slp well i guess..well syg,im nt sleeping tat well..i cnt even slp nw..i feel so restless..u noe im so lonely..n i kp thinking bout u..haish..nvm..tuesday i'll be out of no-signal-world..n get to cum to spore..where i get hp SIGNAL!! nw i so appreciate the existence of handphones n signals..n internet n computers..
lets jus say i LOVE all electronic devices..i really gt nuting to say bsides..HOLIDAYS has its PROS' n CONS' which i DUN really LIKE..so yeah..i gt nuting to say actually bsides..gosh im missing hym like hell n i love hym to death seyy..cnt wait to meet hym again..dis tyme d date's over breakfast..or lunch..i dunno bout tat..bt my guess wuld be over breakfast..so cnt wait for that day to cum..


countdown to 1st monthsary: 13 more days!


my heart stops when you look at me♥
@ 2:06 AM

♥Sunday, November 1, 2009♥

woke up early..nuting to do so slept back..
holidays in jb are so boring..no hp signals..
missing my dearly beloved frens n hym like hell..
i feel so empty..i miss hym too much..
reading his msgs was all i culd do to lessen d heavy feelings off my chest..
n it has only been 2 days..imagine 2 mths..i culd die frm missing hym..
looking at pics taken throughout skul yr makes me go bck to memory lane..
i kept thinking d possibilities n negatives of nxt yr..
d diff is ama wuld be in a diff cls den me..tears my heart jus thinking of it..
nxt year..abg aidil wun be in Evergreen anymore..he'll be gg to sum polytechnic..
and i hope he get to cum back as a CLT..all tats left is d memories in skul..
i dun wanna go back to memory lane..it hurts like hell..
i dun wanna go bck to skul next yr..it'll be very different..
i dun wanna past by d corridors of skul and reminisce all the memories..
especially those wit abg aidil..im gonna miss hym like hell..
we maybe in contact always bt it will be diff..i dun get to wave at hym n kacau hym whenever he past by d corridors in skul..i appreciate all d stuffs he did for me..
lending an ear and a helping hand wenever i needed one..
for my clique..we will be together as one..n no ties will be broken..
as for hym..he's in my heart n mind always..i cnt slp tat well..
he's nt there to say gudnite to me..say tat he loves me..
im yearning for tat terribly...i miss hym like hell..i love hym so much..
n evry morning he wasn't there to say gud morning..tats d diff i felt evryday..
i wonder if he's missing me..i noe he does..cs i do..
cnt wait to meet up soon..


my heart stops when you look at me♥
@ 11:33 PM